Craft Charms



Essence 1

Flawless Handiwork Method

Prerequisites Craft 1, Essence 1
Cost 6m; Supplements Craft roll; Duration Instant

For the supplemented roll, reroll each 10.

Upgrade (Craft 3): Also reroll each 6.

Tireless Workhorse Method

Prerequisites Craft 2, Essence 1

You get +(Essence × 2) major project slots. If your Essence increases later, your major project slots increase appropriately.

Triumph-Forging Eye

Prerequisites Craft 2, Essence 1, Flawless Handiwork Method
Cost —; Supplements Craft Excellency (1/week)1; Duration Instant

The supplemented Craft Excellency has a Cost of 0m.

Brass Scales Falling

Prerequisites Craft 3, Essence 1 Cost —; Action Reflexive1; Duration Instant
Requirement You get at least one 10 on a Craft roll not supplemented by the Craft Excellency.

For each 10 on the roll, you gain 1sp, to a maximum of (Essence × 2)sp.

Upgrade: The maximum increases to (Essence × 3).

Crack-Mending Technique

Prerequisites Craft 3, Essence 1
Cost 10m, 1wp; Action Dramatic ([10 - Essence] hours)1; Duration One task

Choose a damaged but not completely destroyed object you can work on. If the object isn’t an Artifact, you completely repair it, including repairing impossible-to-fix damage (such as burnt paper). If the object is an Artifact, you can begin and complete a project to repair it as part of the Dramatic action, and the difficulty is reduced as decided by the ST.

If you also benefit from Craftsman Needs No Tools, change the Action to Dramatic ([10 - Essence] seconds) for a basic project or Dramatic ([10 - Essence] minutes) for other projects.2

Craftsman Needs No Tools

Prerequisites Craft 3, Essence 1
Cost 6m; Action Simple; Duration One task
Keywords Mute

You can work on the task (including projects) without needing tools or a workshop. If the task is a basic or major project, the total time to complete it is reduced to seconds or minutes.

If you use tools to aid in the task, the Cost is 4m.

Supreme Masterwork Focus

Prerequisites Craft 3, Essence 1, Flawless Handiwork Method
Cost 6m; Supplements Craft roll for a basic or major project; Duration Instant

For the supplemented roll, double each 9.

Upgrade (Craft 5, Essence 2): You can use the Charm with a Cost of 5m, 1wp, 1gxp to supplement a basic, major, or superior project and to instead each 8.

Upgrade (Craft 5, Essence 3): You can use the Charm with a Cost of 2m, 1wxp to supplement any Craft roll and to instead double each 7.

Efficient Craftsman Technique

Prerequisites Craft 3, Essence 1, Tireless Workhorse Method

The cost of your temporary major project slots is reduced to 3sxp.

Arete-Shifting Prana

Prerequisites Craft 4, Essence 1
Cost 4m, 1sxp, 1wp; Action Simple; Duration Project’s duration
Keywords Non-Committed Requirement You’ve started a basic or major project.

Choose one of your basic or major projects and roll (Intelligence + [relevant Craft]). For this project, you can treat up to (total successes) dots in Craft abilities as if they were in a different but conceptually-related Craft.

Red Anvils Ringing

Prerequisites Craft 4, Essence 1, Brass Scales Falling

The sxp you get from completing each basic objective for projects increases by 1.

Time Heals Nothing

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 1, Crack-Mending Technique
Cost 4m, 1wp; Action Simple; Duration Instant

You create a temporary major project slot that can only be used for repairs. The project slot lasts until a project using it is completed.

Upgrade (Essence 3): You can use the Charm with a cost of 6m, 1wp to create a temporary superior project slot for repairs instead.

Chains Fall Away

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 1, Red Anvils Ringing
Cost —; Action Reflexive1; Duration Instant
Requirement You achieve all three basic objects on a project.

You gain 1gxp.

Peerless Paragon of Craft

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 1, Chains Fall Away, Craftsman Needs No Tools

When you purchase this Charm, and at the end of each story, roll (Intelligence + Craft) and add the effects of a full free Excellency. You gain 1sxp for each success and 1gxp for each 10.

Durability-Enhancing Technique

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 1, Craftsman Needs No Tools
Cost 5m; Action Dramatic (5 minutes to 1 hour)1; Duration Instant

Choose an object of up to (Essence) yards in radius that you can work on. You increase the difficulty to damage it by 2 or (Essence), whichever is greater.

If you stunt to protect the object by accident, or you protect an object that enhances your legend, you gain 1sxp if the object represents a basic project or 1gxp if the object represents a major project.

Blood Diamond Sweat

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 1, Time Heals Nothing
Cost —; Action Reflexive1; Duration Instant Requirement You complete a project to repair something that isn’t a Legendary Artifact.

You gain +1 craft point for every basic objective completed in the project. If the project is to repair an artifact, you gain +(Artifact rating)gxp and +1wxp.

Essence 2

Bright-Forging Prana

Prerequisites Craft 3, Essence 2, Flawless Handiwork Method
Cost Costs of chosen Charms; Supplements project (1/story); Duration One story or until project is complete, whichever comes first3 Keywords Non-Committed

Choose up to (Essence or 3, whichever is greater) Craft Charms you haven’t learned, satisfying Ability and Charm prerequisites but not Essence prerequisites. A chosen Charm may satisfy the Charm prerequisites of another Chosen Charm. Then, pay the Cost of each of those Charms.

You can use and benefit from the chosen Charms as though you had learned them, but only with the supplemented project. Charms that would give you free Craft points don’t do so when used via this Charm.

Experiential Conjuring of True Void

Prerequisites Craft 3, Essence 2, Flawless Handiwork Method
Cost 4m, 4s/g/wxp; Action Reflexive; Duration Instant
Keywords Salient Requirement You make a Craft roll for a major, superior, or legendary project.

Add +1ns and +(Essence)nd to the Craft roll.

Unlock (Essence 3): Instead, add +1ns and +(Intelligence + Essence)nd to the Charm roll.

Unbroken Image Focus

Prerequisites Craft 4, Essence 2, Experiential Conjuring of True Void
Cost 3m + Xs/g/wxp; Action Reflexive
Keywords Salient
Requirement You make a Craft roll for a major, superior, or legendary project.

X is the number of successes on the roll, excluding the effect of double successes. Add +(Essence + X)ns to the roll.

Upgrade (“First Movement of the Demiurge”—Craft 4, Essence 2)4: Also, for every 3 matching successes on the roll, choose one non-success die and change it to a 10.

Design Beyond Limit

Prerequisites Craft 4, Essence 2, Crack-Mending Technique, Craftsman Needs No Tools
Cost 10m, 1wp, 3xp; Action Dramatic ([10 - Essence] hours)1; Duration Instant Requirement You can work on an Artifact with a rating 3+ in a well-stocked workshop, and you haven’t used this Charm with the same Artifact already in this story.

You spend the action for this Charm reforging the Artifact. The Artifact’s owner may immediately awaken a single Evocation for it, including a custom Evocation, and may awaken an Evocation in this way beyond the normal limit on Evocations for the Artifact’s rating.

Object-Strengthening Touch

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 2, Durability-Enhancing Technique
Cost 6m; Action Simple; Duration One scene
Keywords Mute, Touch5

You touch an object with a radius of up to (Essence + 2) yards. The difficulty to damage or destroy the object increases by (Essence + 1). While you hold the object, it is impossible to destroy without a magic or magic-enhanced effect.

This Charm’s effect doesn’t stack with that of Durability-Enhancing Technique.

Chaos-Resistance Preparation

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 2, Object-Strengthening Touch
Cost 5m; Action Dramatic (1 hour)1; Duration Instant

You work on an object of up to (Essence) yards in radius. From now on, any character who wears or wields that object, or the object itself and any other object kept in close proximity to it, are protected from the twisting effects of the Wyld for the time period noted in the table.

Wyld Conditions Worn, or object itself Wielded, or close objects
Bordermarches (Essence) days (Essence) hours
Middlemarches (Essence ÷ 2) days (Essence ÷ 2) hours
Deep Wyld (Essence) hours (Essence) minutes

Multiple objects enhanced by this Charm that are worn, wielded, or kept together add up the protected time.

Unlock (Essence 3): You may use this Charm with a Cost of 15m, 1wp and an Action of Dramatic ([10 - Stamina] hours) to apply its effect to the vehicles and equipment of up to 100 people (or a Size 2 battle group).6

Sublime Transference

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 2, Arete-Shifting Prana
Cost 6m; Action Dramatic (5 minutes)1; Duration Instant Keywords Mute, Unconscious

Choose one:

Supreme Celestial Focus

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 2, Arete-Shifting Prana

You can increase up to (Essence + 1) Craft ability ratings by paying gxp instead of xp. Each ability must have at least one dot, and each after the first costs 2gxp per 1xp.

Thousand-Forge Hands

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 2, Craftsman Needs No Tools
Cost 10m, 1wp; Supplements superior or legendary project[^not-reflexive]; Duration until project is complete Keywords Non-Committed

The minimum time for the supplemented project is reduced to (6 - Essence) weeks, or (6 - Essence) months for five-dot and N/A Artifacts.

Ages-Echoing Wisdom

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 2, Efficient Craftsman Technique, Sublime Transference Permanent

When you purchase this Charm, and at the end of each story, you gain (permanent major slots) gxp.

Breach-Healing Method

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 2, Time Heals Nothing
Cost 7m; Action Simple; Duration One task Requirement You must be attempting to repair an object or treat an injury.

You create a magical field of (Essence × 2) yards in radius. Characters inside this field get +(your Essence)nd to Craft, Lore, Occult, and Medicine rolls, and roll Craft to repair and Medicine at -1 difficulty.

The Charm ends when you complete or abandon your task.

Dragon Soul Emergence

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 2, Ages-Echoing Wisdom Permanent Keywords Stackable (Essence)

You gain one permanent superior project slot.

Supreme Perfection of Craft

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 2, Peerless Paragon of Craft, Supreme Celestial Focus

When you purchase this charm, and once per day when you get a full night’s sleep or once per period of narrated downtime (whichever is less often), you gain ([Essence + 2] × X)sxp, where X is the number of Craft Abilities you have rated at 5.

Essence 3

Ever-Ready Innovation Discipline

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 3, Thousand-Forge Hands
Cost 15m, 1wp; Action Reflexive ([Essence ÷ 2, round up]/story); Duration Instant Requirement You have at least 15sxp, and you are facing an obstacle, threat, or conflict with the odds stacked against you.

You immediately complete a major project for free. This retroactively represents a project you’ve already been working on. This major project must in some way help even the odds, but without completely solving the situation. It must also reflect your Craft Ability or Abilities appropriately.

If the project is clever, you gain 1sxp and 2gxp. If the project is particularly clever or interesting, you instead gain 3gxp and 1wxp.

Essence-Forging Kata

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 3, Unbroken Image Focus
Cost (2 × X)m, 1wp; Type Dramatic (5 minutes)1; Duration One day

Your Cost for the Craft Excellency is reduced by Xm.

Mind-Expanding Meditation

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 3, Essence-Forging Kata
Cost Xsxp, 1wxp; Supplements Craft roll1; Duration Instant

Your dice cap for the supplemented roll is raised by X, to a maximum of your Craft rating.

Inspiration-Renewing Vision

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 3, Essence-Forging Kata, Supreme Masterwork Focus ×2
Cost 12m, 1wp, 2wxp; Supplements Craft roll for a superior or legendary project (1/story); Duration Instant

The supplemented roll doesn’t count towards the project’s terminus.

Reset: Complete a superior or legendary project with a goal number of 50 or more without using this Charm.

Divine Inspiration Technique

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 3, Unbroken Image Focus ×2, Supreme Masterwork Focus ×2 Cost —; Action Reflexive1; Duration Instant Requirement You get at least three successes on a Craft roll.

Add +(roll’s successes ÷ 3)nd to the Craft roll. This effect applies recursively until all successes, including ones resulting from dice it added, are accounted for.

Upgrade (“Holistic Miracle Understanding”—Craft 5, Essence 4)4: Also, if the dice added by this Charm result in three or more successes, add +3nd to the roll.

The Art of Permanence

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 3, Chaos-Resistance Preparation
Cost 6m, 1wxp; Supplements basic or major project; Duration Instant

An object created by the supplemented project is immune to damage from gradual wear or normal use, even if it would otherwise be destroyed by such use (such as lighting a candle). It is also Obvious to others and to any future reincarnations of yourself that you are the one who created the object.

Realizing the Form Supernal

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 3, Breach-Healing Method
Cost 5m, 1wp; Supplements Breach-Healing Method (1/story); Duration Until task is complete 3 Keywords Non-Committed Requirement Your task for the supplemented use of Breach-Healing Method is to repair an artifact.

The task’s difficulty is reduced by 1, and the goal number for it is reduced by (Intelligence × Essence).

Reset: Complete a project to repair an Artifact without using this Charm.

Celestial Reforging Technique

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 3, Design Beyond Limit
Cost 10m, 1wp, 3xp; Action Dramatic ([10 - Essence] hours)1; Duration Instant Requirement You can work on an Artifact, and it has one or more active Evocations, and you haven’t used this Charm with the same Artifact already in this story.

You spend the action for this Charm reforging the Artifact. The Artifact’s owner may deactivate any number of the Artifact’s active Evocations to activate the same number in other Evocations, including custom Evocations. The owner must meet any prerequisites for the new Evocations, and can’t deactivate an Evocation that’s a prerequisite for any other active Evocation.

Copper Spider Conception

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 3, Dragon Soul Emergence
Cost 5m, 1wp; Action Dramatic (ten minutes)1; Duration Instant

You may create a superior project slot with the cost lowered by 2gxp and two major project slots, to a minimum of 1gxp and one major project slot.

Divine Transcendence of Craft

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 3, Supreme Perfection of Craft

When you purchase this Charm you gain 3wxp. At the end of each story, you gain 5wxp.

Clay and Breath Practice

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 3, Copper Spider Conception
Cost —; Action Reflexive; Duration Instant
Requirement On an interval of the roll for a major project, you roll more successes than the price to finish.

You gain (rating of the Artifact under construction + Essence)sxp.

Spirit-Gathering Industry

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 3, Clay and Breath Practice

Your cost to finish a superior project is reduced by (Essence)gxp, to a minimum of 3gxp.

Summit-Piercing Touch

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 3, Ages-Echoing Wisdom
Cost 10m, 1wp; Supplements superior project to build a two-dot Artifact1; Duration until project is completed

The supplemented project uses a major project slot instead of a superior project slot.

If you end commitment to this Charm before the project is complete, you must assign the project to a superior project slot, or the project fails catastrophically.

Unlock (Essence 5): You may use this Charm with the building of a three-dot Artifact.

Vice-Miracle Technique

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 3, Summit-Piercing Touch
Cost —; Action Reflexive (1/season); Duration Instant
Requirement You have built at least one two-dot or higher rated Artifact, and you are currently building a two-dot or higher rated Artifact.

You immediately produce a finished two-dot Artifact for free. You don’t earn craft xp for this as normal, but if you use this Charm as part of a stunt that enhances your legend, you get 5gxp.

Unlock (Essence 5): You may produce a three-dot artifact instead.

Words-as-Workshop Method

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 3, Craftsman Needs No Tools, Vice-Miracle Technique
Cost 5m, 1wp; Action Simple; Duration One scene3 Keywords Mute, Non-Committed, Stackable
Requirement A Craft, Lore, Medicine, Occult, or Investigation task is at hand.

Describe up to (Essence) Artifact tools usable to complete the task. Each may be as simple or complex as you desire and may have powers and Evocations appropriate to the task. You immediately create those Artifacts for the Charm’s duration. You can use these Artifacts without paying attunement costs. Others can use them, but must pay attunement costs. You may dismiss an Artifact early if you’re done with it.

Essence 4

Horizon-Unveiling Insight

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 4, Inspiration-Renewing Vision

The terminus for your superior and legendary projects increases to 7.

Unwinding Gyre Meditation

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 4, Spirit-Gathering Industry
Cost 10m, 1wp; Action Reflexive; Duration Instant
Requirement You complete a superior project that earned gxp.

You don’t earn any gxp from the completed superior project.

Your next superior project with the same Artifact rating as the completed superior project has its goal number reduced by ([Essence × X] + 5), its terminus increased by X, and its gold point bonus increased to (Artifact rating × [2 + X] × remaining terminus). X starts at 1. Each additional time in a row you use this Charm to forfeit the gxp from a completed superior project that would have benefited from this Charm, X increases by 1.

God-Forge Within

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 4, Spirit-Gathering Industry
Permanent Keywords Stackable (Essence)

You gain two permanent legendary project slots.

Essence 5

Sun-Heart Tenacity1

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 5, God-Forge Within
Cost —; Action Reflexive; Duration Instant
Requirement You complete a legendary project.

The next superior or legendary project you attempt to finish gets +10ns towards completion.

Exegesis of the Distilled Form

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 5, Unwinding Gyre Meditation
Cost 25sxp, 15gxp, 10wxp, Xwxp; Action Simple (1/story); Duration Instant

X must be all remaining wxp you have after paying the rest of the Cost. Roll (X). For each success, to a maximum of 20s, you gain 1xp. This xp gain doesn’t count towards increasing Essence.

Spirit-Stoking Elevation

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 5, Exegesis of the Distilled Form

You may pay the xp part of the Cost for Occult, Lore, and Medicine Charms (but not sorcerous projects) using wxp, at 5wxp per 1xp.

Wonder-Forging Genius

Prerequisites Craft 5, Essence 5, Exegesis of the Distilled Form
Cost —; Action Reflexive (1/story); Duration Instant
Requirement You have at least ten projects in the same project category in progress.

Choose one of your projects that fulfills the requirement. You immediately complete it for free. You don’t gain any craft points from completing it.

When you use this Charm, note the other projects of that project category that you have currently in progress. Even after the story ends, you can’t use this Charm again until you complete at least half of them.

Dual Magnus Prana

Prerequisites Craft 5, Occult 3, Essence 5, Wonder-Forging Genius, Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
Cost 30wxp; Action Reflexive; Duration Instant
Requirement Your first Incapacitated health level is checked off.

“You” die and are revealed to actually be a perfect duplicate, created by wondrous craft and sorcery. You are really somewhere else, which must be a plausible location the ST approves.

  1. This Charm has a different action in the source text, but has been changed here to better reflect how it’s used in play.  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

  2. The listed time is guesswork, as the original text is unclear. 

  3. This Charm has a different duration in the source text, but has been changed here to better reflect how it’s used in play.  2 3

  4. A separate Charm was listed as an upgrade for this Charm. The two Charms have been consolidated.  2

  5. This Charm was missing the Touch keyword in the original text. 

  6. The number given here is guesswork, as the original text is unclear.